web based software
(too old to reply)
2006-05-01 10:09:04 UTC
hello all,

originally i posted this question onto some other newsgroup
and folks there advised me to post here. i still do not know whther it
is a right place to ask my question but i was not able to find anything
better. so here is my question:

1.) i am interested in writing web-based softwares . i want to make one
thing clear that i do not want to become a webmaster or
web-designer/developer. i want to write *web-based software* like
VIAWEB of Paul Graham, (www.paulgraham.com/road.html). i have seen
people using <ruby on rails> and <zope> like things to write web-based

what skills, thinking-pattern and programming languages i need to
fulfil my intention. i know HTML.


-- arnuld
Bruce Lewis
2006-05-01 19:24:51 UTC
Post by arnuld
i want to write *web-based software* like
VIAWEB of Paul Graham, (www.paulgraham.com/road.html). i have seen
people using <ruby on rails> and <zope> like things to write web-based
Paul Graham used Common Lisp. Did you try the comp.lang.lisp newsgroup?
http://ourdoings.com/ Easily organize and disseminate news and
photos for your family or group.
2006-05-02 07:49:26 UTC
Paul Graham used Common Lisp. Did you try the > comp.lang.lisp newsgroup?
yes, and i got some useful responses too. i posted it here because
smebody reffered me to this newsgroup.


2006-05-02 17:37:27 UTC
hey, i just wanted to tell that i got lots of responses from
comp.lang.lisp & alt.www.webmaster. i got my problem solved. but that
happened when BRUCE you, told me to post there.

well, thanks Bruce.

-- arnuld
