Web agent vs. Web service
(too old to reply)
2005-02-27 15:34:29 UTC

What is the difference between a web agent and a web service ?
Are they the same thing ?

2005-03-19 23:02:22 UTC
- can have a state
- are in an evolving environment and can interact with it
- are proactive, they do not only respond to a request, but can have a
global goal to accomplish
- can interact with other agents

Intuitively, I think of a web-service as a module waiting to be called
and I think of an agent as a pro-active entity having a goal to
accomplish with the help of other agents and of web services.

I think an agent could also wrap a web service.

2005-03-27 12:00:21 UTC
Post by alex
- can have a state
A web service can have a state.
Post by alex
- are in an evolving environment and can interact with it
What do you mean by this ?
Post by alex
- are proactive, they do not only respond to a request, but can have a
global goal to accomplish
So, a web agent does more things than a web service: it
responds to requests but also "follows it own goal". Interesting, but
to be honest I do not understand.
A web service is always a web agent while the opposite is not
true ?
What do you understand by goal ? Please give an example of a
web agent that responds to request from client but that has another
purpose (goal) than answering those queries.
Post by alex
- can interact with other agents
Intuitively, I think of a web-service as a module waiting to be called
and I think of an agent as a pro-active entity having a goal to
accomplish with the help of other agents and of web services.
I think an agent could also wrap a web service.
When exactly a client/server is a 'web agent' and when it is a
'web service' ? What makes the difference between them ?

