Free web hosting recommendations?
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A. Deguza
2010-07-07 23:29:08 UTC
Hello All:

I built a five page site for a friend. He does not have much funds
these days, and despite my advice against it, he wants to put the site
on a free hosting site.

Are there any services you like that you can recommend to him?

When I do a search I come across multitudes of services, but I really
do not know much about them...


Marious Barrier
2010-07-08 01:15:14 UTC
Post by A. Deguza
I built a five page site for a friend. He does not have much funds
these days, and despite my advice against it, he wants to put the site
on a free hosting site.
Are there any services you like that you can recommend to him?
When I do a search I come across multitudes of services, but I really
do not know much about them...
Try 000webhost.com.
