Webmail options
(too old to reply)
Ivan Shmakov
2013-03-05 13:46:48 UTC
[Cross-posting to news:comp.infosystems.www.misc and
news:comp.mail.misc, for the discussion at hand is much more
fitting these, rather than news:alt.html.]

I need to look at Roundcube again, but Squirrelmail is... well, it's
slow. The only person I have who actively uses Squirrelmail is one
of those "Inbox infinity" people who keeps thousands of mail messages
in the inbox. Squirrelmail barfs.
Is it possible that the root of this problem is the underlying
mailbox format, and not the SquirrelMail software itself?

For instance, operating on a Unix mbox containing "thousands of
messages" is most probably going to be slow. Maildir is much
more suitable choice in this case.

FWIW, I can't readily recall any issues with SquirrelMail
serving as a frontend to a Dovecot IMAP server, with the Maildir
format being used for the underlying storage. (However, I can't
readily recall if anyone was storing thousands of messages on
that server, either.)

FSF associate member #7257 np. Black Swan -- Megadeth
2013-03-05 15:16:29 UTC
Post by Ivan Shmakov
[Cross-posting to news:comp.infosystems.www.misc and
news:comp.mail.misc, for the discussion at hand is much more
fitting these, rather than news:alt.html.]
Please followup to alt.html as I read that newsgroup.
Post by Ivan Shmakov
I need to look at Roundcube again, but Squirrelmail is... well, it's
slow. The only person I have who actively uses Squirrelmail is one
of those "Inbox infinity" people who keeps thousands of mail messages
in the inbox. Squirrelmail barfs.
Is it possible that the root of this problem is the underlying
mailbox format, and not the SquirrelMail software itself?
I don't think so. It's always been IMAP access (Courier) to maildirs,
and it is only squirrelmail that cannot seem to deal with the overly
large inbox. He can access his mail via Thunderbird, but when he is
traveling, he has to use webmail.
Post by Ivan Shmakov
FWIW, I can't readily recall any issues with SquirrelMail
serving as a frontend to a Dovecot IMAP server, with the Maildir
format being used for the underlying storage. (However, I can't
readily recall if anyone was storing thousands of messages on
that server, either.)
Not just thousands, thousands is doable. It's 15,000 that is the problem.
How you have felt, o men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my
accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost
made me forget who I was, such was the effect of the,; and yet they have
hardly spoken a word of truth.